Thursday, May 03, 2007

++Akinola Zings the Heretic Responds

Many have been anxiously awaiting ++Peter Akinola’s response to PB Schori’s letter. Well, his response is out, and it is excellent.

He exercises remarkable restraint, but he zings her vapid letter quite well, particularly her use of “ancient customs of the church” mentioned yesterday.

I . . . find it curious that you are appealing to the ancient customs of the church when it is your own Province’s deliberate rejection of the biblical and historic teaching of the Church that has prompted our current crisis.

And he puts her appeal for “reconciliation” in its place.

You mention the call to reconciliation. As you well know this is a call that I wholeheartedly embrace and indeed was a major theme of our time in Tanzania. You will also remember that one of the key elements of our discussion and the resulting Communiqué was the importance of resolving our current differences without resorting to civil law suits. You agreed to this. Yet it is my understanding that you are still continuing your own punitive legal actions against a number of CANA clergy and congregations. I fail to see how this is consistent with your own claim to be working towards reconciliation.

And by the way, “my dear presiding bishop,” expect more border crossings.

You will also recall from our meeting in Dar es Salaam that there was specific discussion about CANA and recognition – expressed in the Communiqué itself – of the important role that it plays in the context of the present division within your Province. CANA was established as a Convocation of the Church of Nigeria, and therefore a constituent part of the Communion, to provide a safe place for those who wish to remain faithful Anglicans but can no longer do so within The Episcopal Church as it is currently being led. The response for your own House of Bishops to the carefully written and unanimously approved Pastoral Scheme in the Communiqué makes it clear that such pastoral protection is even more necessary.

Would all the Primates have such backbone to stand up for the faith and for the faithful against the predations of heretics such as the leaders of the Episcopal Church.

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